Tuesday, March 24, 2015


Today as I read and reflect I am brought back to putting on the Whole Armor in Eph 6.  
Greg my Son my Friend…walking together thru this valley...I am reminded as I thought yesterday, and what has happened this week…(good and bad) that as hard as this has been…God is doing some marvelous things  right now, and that is my next blog….*smile*

We need to study…pay attention…use…put on…The armor that God has given us through our Lord, Christ Jesus…and do it every morning.   

I heard years ago, that when we get up, rush out into the day...it is like streaking, (running out of the house without any clothes on.  *Smile*)

Helmet of Salvation...Breastplate of Righteousness...Girdle of Truth...Shield of  Faith...Sword of the Spirit...Shoes of Peace.    When you put these all together, you will find out who Jesus is…because He is all of these pieces of the Armor!!  So we must be ready for the fight….it is coming, it is here, and we better be prepared. 

What is VERY interesting, is that  He says to put these on,  and  when the day of evil comes... you may be able  to stand …He didn’t say fight  He says stand firm… so that you can take your stand against the devil’s schemes.    

 Next verse….For our struggle  is  not against flesh and blood BUT against the rulers of darkness, authorities, powers of this dark world, and against the spiritual forces of evil….

STAND…is the command…and the only way we can STAND is on our knees.  We have no power against these forces, but I know the ONE who  does have  the power….Greater is He that is  in you, than he that is in the world…that means ol’ slewfoot  the devil himself.   

Now you know just what it means to put on the Whole Armor…put on Jesus, every morning…walk comfortably into the sunshine or the shadow…knowing that all thru Scripture He repeats….Don’t worry… I go before you…stand still and see what I  will do…I am the same yesterday, today and forever…I never change…I am God… I cannot lie  get it?

Can we concentrate on this?  Can we just Do what the Word sez?  Can we give it up, and let God do what He does best?  Pray the prayer that NEVER fails?   (Thy will be done)  Oh brother, here I am going on 84…and I am still working on this…well as they say, ‘I am a work in progress, God is NOT thru with me yet..’…..and He surely has a lot of work to do…*smile*

So look up, hold tightly to His hand,  and we’ll see you here…there or in the air…(and I am holding tight to the IN THE AIR part…I hope it is soon!!!)

See ya Cray, in the Morning!  (Ida is there already  thank  you Jesus for your Faithfulness!!)

Nanny…Mom… (and all those guys) smile