Tuesday, July 1, 2014


This morning I woke up with a thankful heart (as opposed  to a weary, fearful heart)…  So I started thinking about things that I am thankful for and came up with a plethora of things...

First of all, I am thankful for the Word:
 Isa. 43:  (which sez in essence)..."Thus says the LORD, who created you, and formed you, Fear not; for I have called you by YOUR name, Margaret, thou art mine."  

Also in Rom 8 vs 38 & 39: "Nothing shall be able to separate us from the Love of God."

Family and friends:
Friday I heard Greg’s nice , strong, voice  say: 
"This has been a good day, Mom, I walked to dialysis, had a good dialysis, and then walked home."   
(For once in a very long time he was in charge of what he did that day, instead of having to wait for someone else to come and take him where he needed to go.)  This is only in answer to the many prayers that have been sent heavenward....by our wonderful family and friends!!

Then as I was thinking about family and friends, I thought about how we teach our children to believe and pray.  V.P. was always praying about someone or something.

 I remembered something that made me smile, even years later...V.P. was very young, they were driving to have a picnic and it started to rain...he just looked out the window and prayed,  “Lord, make it stop raining so we can have a nice picnic.”

Shara Jo, who was sitting in her car seat, with her 'cho-cho' in her mouth said, "Heth not gonna do it!"   He did, and we laughed...does that make you smile too?
Oh, for the faith of a child , and special, 'you bet'!  What a reason to be thankful!!!   For the diligence in Barbara and Vince, in teaching them to pray!!

As I was sitting thinking about all the things that made me happy and thankful, yep, Clifford brought me my first cup of coffee, just like I like it.  (The night before when I couldn't sleep he spent a long time rubbing my back to help me sleep...it worked...I am so blessed.)   I am REALLY blessed with my sweet considerate husband!!

I am so aware of all the people in our lives who are prayer warriors, and have been praying for years, about you Greg, and our situation.  When I posted the blog, just after I got home from Spokane, when I was soooooo discouraged, and you were too, Lolly said we had 47 hits that day on the Blog.   People, friends...they do care and we are blessed!!!

Perhaps I am most thankful for what God is teaching me, thru this blog.   I am having to come to grips with reality--not just my own dreams and wants.  God has a plan for each of us, and it doesn't look anything like what we think!   God wants us to know and see (eventually) what He has planned for each of us, for eternity.   As they say, we need to keep the Main Thing, the Main Thing!!   

I am truly a blessed woman, with many dear special friends who care....a lot!   I just did a thing in the blog about the Body, and where would we be, Greg, without Christ’s  body of special people that He placed in our lives.  Every one of them were intentionally placed there by our Heavenly Father, for such a time as this...*smile*

Hang in there, hang on tight...and we will meet you here, there or in the air.    
(The way things look, the AIR part is getting closer and closer!!)  *smile*
As Forrest Sr. said, 'well, you didn't come today, maybe you will come tonight.'

Christ tells us to look up, for our Redemption draws near!!

Cray, 'look up!'   Marker (Nanny)

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