Friday, August 15, 2014

28 Today I Quit

Quit what?   

Well that IS the question...  Certainly it isn't...breathing... (I hope)  *smile*
Eating?   Well, we know better than that!  
But as I meditated this a.m.,  I thought of  how God's mercies are new every if I am struggling with something  (and when might that be?)  *smile*....This is a good time to quit STRUGGLING.    
So if I am trying so hard to do or be something…(that obviously I am not)  maybe I ought to stop TRYING.......

Trying to change me into what I think God wants......struggling, to do what I think God wants me to be!
What is the answer?  
I have heard it all my life...let go and let God......
Let God do the changing...relax in Him....(don't lie down and go to sleep... *smile*)  But let Him change me...let Him place His peace in and on my life.  
I certainly have made a mess, but He knows me better than I know myself...I cannot change who I am...what I takes a supernatural power of which I have none, except thru Jesus Christ.

Lord prepare me, to be a sanctuary,
Pure and holy, tried and true.
With thanksgiving, I'll be a living sanctuary for You.

Well Mr. McGreggor...what is it for you today?  
It has been very quiet up there...which seems to be a good thing, at least you aren't in the hospital, or laying on the ground and don't have the strength to get up.  Lost the contract on your phone, but you have a little flip phone for emergencies, thanks to Buddy, and yours …*smile*

I am not complaining, I am just thanking God for a little respite for you.  

Nothing has changed with your condition, but  it seems your meds are helping you cope.  
Lots of prayers going up for you, and one day, we will see the light at the end of the tunnel...

Soooooooooooooooo--Look up! Hang on tight to His Hand...
We'll see  you here, there, or in the air!

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