Thursday, November 20, 2014

33 Testing, Trials, Timelines & Trust

Well, Greg...another day, another test...for you?   
Most assuredly you are being tested...but your Mom?   
Even the Scriptures talk about a Mother and Child...can a Mother forget her child??   Of course not, so if you are going thru great trials, you know my heart and Spirit are walking with you thru them.

You hurt, I hurt; you cry, I cry.  
So it is with the Body of Christ (of which we area all a part...right?)  We all have our own place and part in THE body.  
When one part hurts the whole body is challenged.

You know where I am going with this don't you?  *smile* 

God's timing is always right on time...
He sez ,'With the LORD, a thousand years is but a day, and a day as a thousand years.'  
So what He is looking at, is timeless.

Do you know when you pray a prayer, once it is spoken it is 'out there.'  It goes on and on, it becomes timeless.  And He says He keeps our tears in a bottle, and our prayers in a bowl?  We, and everything about us, is very precious to God. 

So when we want-what-we-want-when-we-want-it, we are trying to  put God's time clock in our  own pocket, and call the shots, so to speak, because we think we know just what God wants.  Which in the tiniest measure, we may know what God's will is....since we search the Scriptures, but the one big problem is that God is sovereign, and we?   Just the sheep in His pasture!!!

I decided a few weeks ago I thought I needed to help God out, so I sat down to write a letter, with some suggestions about how 'the Body of Christ' ought to be doing their job...nicely, I might add.*:x lovestruck   *smile*   But is was a hard letter to write, to try and not be judgmental.  (Know what I mean?)  *smile* 
So I just chucked the whole thing, and  I'd like to say, I just left it in God's good hands like He wanted me to, but I really didn't give it to God, I sort of decided to look internally, and see what was missing in Margaret's  part of the Body!
   *:)) laughing*:x lovestruck

Now as God was working on me, He was working on others, and the Holy Spirit was challenging them...and several of the Body have stepped up and are helping Greg in small ways, wonderful ways, beautiful gifts from God...just as He (God) has had in His plans all along.

Will I never learn?
Will we never learn?
Yes, slowly and surely  we will take one step at a time, on moment at a time, not worrying about tomorrow,  as we grow into what the Father wants and wills for our lives.

Greg, how I love you and want the best for you...but God wants His best for you...and it is coming!  
When someone said they missed you in the Ministry, and your part that you do best, which is drama--
God put those talents there and made you what you are, and you are not at the end yet, just at the beginning
of what God still wants to do in your life...from here on out...  
Great things are coming, expect them!!!

Look up! Hang in there!  Hang on tight to His hand!
...and we will see you here there or in the air!


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