Tuesday, January 13, 2015

35 Two Trains Collide...brokenness...pain...death

There are many many scriptures that declare God’s love for us:

One verse  tells us that He  (God) chose us from the beginning of the world.  Eph 1:14

Another verse says  He adopted us.  Verse 5

Vs 11 sez we have obtained an inheritance (done!)

Vs 13 sez we were bought by Jesus blood and sealed with the Holy Spirit

The Holy Spirit is our guarantee of this inheritance.

For God so loved the world……Jn 3:16

These are just a very few that declare His presence with us, His peace upon us, His mercies, new every morning...His word is sure and He is not a man that He can lie.   So what in the world are you getting at this day, Margaret?

My TRAIN of thought, if I pay attention to the above verses, is  absolutely the biggest ole’ freight train that can come down the track… absolutely unstoppable, nothing can de-rail this train!!! 

Agree?  Sure!!!

So the other TRAIN is just a paper mache toy running wildly down the track, driven by the winds, and the storms of life with NOOOOOOO substance at all.  There is no place to find shelter, nothing to keep you safe and in the distance you see  BIG OLE’ TRAIN,  coming straight for you…you realize you are definitely on the wrong train, on the wrong track and you are soon to be history. 

Why is this?  

We know the Scriptures, we play them over and over but we just don’t believe them--that they are for us.  There is going to be a collision, and yes we are going to be broken, hurt, yes even killed in the train wreck.  

We can’t believe The One who created us, and we believe the lie that the devil keeps placing in our minds  that He isn’t going to do for you what He promises.   How in the world can we get on the right train of thought and stay there?

He has brought us into the Banquet of His Word, pulled our chair up close to the table, everything setting within arms length.  
Are we to look at it?   
I guess if  that is what you want.   
Are we to reach out and partake?   
Absolutely...when we choose to receive what God has for us. 
Oh God, today, help me to fully put my trust in the God of the universe, who is always good, even if we cannot see  your goodness, even when it hurts so bad and we can’t see or FEEL your arms around us…open our eyes Lord, open our ears…Oh God send angels to minister to my precious son, Greg.. it is so hard to hang on!
Editorial note:
I received a link from a friend just a couple days ago that I just have to insert here.  I think it is a perfect complement to the train theme.  From Nashville, with love:  CLICK HERE TO PLAY

34 New Year, New Me

Well, I have been silent (at least on paper) for a few weeks…but that doesn’t mean that nothing has been happening or going on!!! I have kept you updated about my Greg on Facebook, and I do not have the strength or desire to go into it at this time, for it was an amazing challenge mentally, and physically to you, Greg, and anyone who knows and loves you!!!

So what I am going to specifically focus on is a wonderful challenge that God showed me this morning on the 700 Club.

A song came to me yesterday from my G.T.B.I. daze…smile:
‘Only to be what He wants me to be, Every moment of every day.
 Only to be what He wants me to be, Every step of this pilgrim way. 
Just to be clay in The Potter’s hands, only to do what His Word commands.
Only to be what He wants me to be, every moment of every day.’

A wonderful man of God said that “they” said: “The new cigarette (bad for the body) is ‘The easy chair’. So get going and keep moving!!"

He said we need to “wake up” so we can be ready to fight these end time conditions, and he didn’t just mean physical lethargy, though it does walk hand-in-hand with our spiritual condition.

It is like when the alarm goes off in the morning.  We roll over and hit the snooze button…and go back to sleep. God is setting the alarm…saying Get up! Wake up! We need to be spiritually alert, there is work for us to do, with all the end time things that are going on, terrorists, racial un-rest…all the signs He said we would see... wars and rumors of wars…

WE the CHURCH, need to wake up!!!  We must lead the way. So physically and spiritually…STOP this lethargic attitude, stop hitting the ‘snooze’ button and Wake Up!! He gave a reference in Joel which challenges us to fast, repent, wait silently before the Lord, and let Him speak to us. (Not us yacking to Him about what we think, blah…blah…blah. Listen , really listen quietly and hear what He is telling us to do.) Many times in the scripture we hear Him say, ‘he that has ears to hear, let him hear’. 

How can we listen if we are always talking?

He--God--is saying to me: ’wake up’ change your slothful ways. Not only will it help me spiritually but physically… How can I admonish my precious Grandson, Andy, agreeing with him that he needs structure, when I am soooooo un-structured…with my devotions, my prayer time, my physical ‘sitting in the chair ‘ unmoving body time, a body that needs action for good blood flow, and will give me better rest, a healthier body, etc. etc. 


Again I am trying to ‘work’ it up…Father, my desire is to be like Jesus…really!! But until I let You do it your way, and You make me what you want me to be, instead of my ‘everlasting’ trying to do it, I will never succeed…I do need to be ‘still’ and know you, and then follow your instructions!!

My Bestest Friend Jody and I say, ‘the reason God is letting us live so long, is to pray for our children and grandchildren’, that in itself will help us to pray without ceasing…smile No Kidding!!

I pray you will let these words help you as you enter this New Year, to again realize it is not about us, and ALL about Jesus…as we work our way toward that ‘Blessed Hope’…because Jesus is coming soon…live like it!

Look up…hang in there...Hang on tight to His hand, and we’ll see you here, there, or in the air!

See ya in the Morning, Cray!... Nanny