There are many many scriptures that declare God’s love for us:
One verse tells us
that He (God) chose us from the
beginning of the world. Eph 1:14
Another verse says He
adopted us. Verse 5
Vs 11 sez we have obtained an inheritance (done!)
Vs 13 sez we were bought by Jesus blood and sealed with the
Holy Spirit
The Holy Spirit is our guarantee of this inheritance.
For God so loved the world……Jn 3:16
These are just a very few that declare His presence with us,
His peace upon us, His mercies, new every morning...His word is sure and He is
not a man that He can lie. So what in
the world are you getting at this day, Margaret?
My TRAIN of thought, if I pay attention to the above
verses, is absolutely the biggest ole’ freight train
that can come down the track… absolutely unstoppable, nothing can de-rail this
Agree? Sure!!!
So the other TRAIN is just a paper mache toy running wildly down the track, driven by
the winds, and the storms of life with NOOOOOOO substance at all. There is no place to find shelter, nothing to
keep you safe and in the distance you see
BIG OLE’ TRAIN, coming straight for you…you realize you are
definitely on the wrong train, on the wrong track and you are soon to be history.
Why is this?
We know the Scriptures, we play them over and over but we
just don’t believe them--that they are for us.
There is going to be a collision, and yes we are going to be broken,
hurt, yes even killed in the train wreck.
We can’t believe The One who created us, and we believe the
lie that the devil keeps placing in our minds
that He isn’t going to do for you what He promises. How in the world can we get on the right
train of thought and stay there?
He has brought us into the Banquet of His Word, pulled our
chair up close to the table, everything setting within arms length.
Are we to look at it?
I guess if
that is what you want.
Are we to
reach out and partake?
we choose to receive what God has for us.
Oh God, today, help me to fully put my trust in the God of
the universe, who is always good, even if we cannot see your goodness, even when it hurts so bad and
we can’t see or FEEL your arms around us…open our eyes Lord, open our ears…Oh
God send angels to minister to my precious son, Greg.. it is so hard to hang
Editorial note:
I received a link from a friend just a couple days ago that I just have to insert here. I think it is a perfect complement to the train theme. From Nashville, with love: CLICK HERE TO PLAY
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