Someone once said to me, "I wish
I could pray like you, you really know how to pray."
My quick response was, "No, no,
no, God just really knows how to answer!!!"
Then I heard that when you pray,
don't worry about your choice of words...
'The power of prayer comes from the
ONE who hears it.'
We need to realize very early on, that
anything we are, have, do...comes from our Father!!!
So as we reach into the Word this
a.m. and try to understand what 'fasting' is all about, we need to see what the
Father has in mind. Since several are 'fasting and praying' for you at
this time, Greg.
I have always been taught, fasting
is to miss a meal or two, or three, for a day or two or three, it
could be a meal you fast, or nothing of the media for a week, give up
sugar for a time, lots of things, along with a big dose of prayer, not a ten
minute prayer, but really interceding for whomever or whatever you are
praying for.
But Isaiah 58 puts a little
different spin on it:
He sez: to free those wrongfully
imprisoned (could that be physically, or spiritually or both?)
Lighten the burden of those who work
for you.
Remove the chains that bind people.
Share your food with the hungry.
Give shelter to the homeless.
Do not hide from relatives that need
your help. (big smile)
* Then you will call and the Lord
will answer.
Remove the heavy yoke of oppression.
Feed the hungry and help those in
*Then you will be known as the
re-builder of walls and a restorer of homes.
Doesn't that look like a lot of
other scriptures in His Word?
Feed the hungry, give shelter to the
homeless, take care of the widows and orphans.
If you do this unto the least of
these, you have done it unto Me (Jesus).
So I think as we pray for you
specifically, that we need to get our feet moving, our
wallet open, our home ready for
'company'...and do the simple (hard) things that He commands...Of the commandments, He said the greatest is to love the Lord with all your heart, and
to love your neighbor as yourself.
A little bird told me, God is not
going to give you a life
where He is unnecessary! He
wants to use you, me, all of us--for His
When He made us, originally, in the
Garden, He made us for companionship,
for us to walk and talk with
Him. My admonition is to get into His Word, every day, and
consume is health and strength to our bones...and your bones and
heart and kidneys REALLY DO NEED
Hang in, hang on, and we'll see, there or in the air.
(Crayola, definitely, in the
Nanny (aka Marker)
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