Sunday, April 27, 2014

19 His Chosen Delights

 I sometimes think I must sound like a broken record.  But really I am just walking, and learning, walking and learning, and once in a while I might have a word or two that will encourage you, strengthen you, or just make you laugh.  Haven't had too many blogs that have brought merriment, but soon I am going to start "A Merry Heart" number one.......and just set out for a laugh.  
Watch out Greg it just might be about you.   
But that is not today.

I was quite dry this morning, and wondered if I would get an inspiration for my blog.  So this afternoon I started reading the beginning of this journal.   Do you know what I saw?  No of course you don't (smile)  But I saw a pattern in my entries.  Time and time again I would be writing about how I try and be faithful to my Quiet Time, and trying to 'practice His Presence', and how I fail, again!   
I am seeing over and over, that the enemy of my soul is at work on my mind with condemnation.

I want to say right now, I feel there is a good guy (God) and a bad guy (devil) and if it is good it comes from God, if it is bad it comes from the devil.   Maybe you think that is too simple, but that's the way I see it.  I'm a very simple person.

Now about this condemnation thing.....if I as a Mother saw my boys try and try to please me, but they mess up somehow, am I disappointed?  No, I see they are trying to please me.  Love covers a lot!

So why do I think every day as we are walking this long, hard road, Greg, that I am not walking good enough, or I don't spend as much time  'practicing His presence' as I should.....and that God is not pleased by this?

I think He jumps up and down with joy, when I do take the time, and He relishes that time.   
He said I/you are the apple of His eye, He says He CHOSE us!

Eph 1  (Living Bible)  sez He chose us because He wanted to!  It goes on to say,   

"Moreover, because of what Christ has done we have become gifts to God, that He delights in!"

 ...It also sez in that same chapter, 

"I want you to realize that God has been made rich because we who are Christ's have been given to Him."

I am a GIFT to God, that He delights in?    God was made RICH because we were given to Him?  

I am concerned about your health...your kidneys (or lack thereof).....your heart.....your eye.. (or lack thereof) your moving date (by the end of the month) your very life!!!

Why do I think God is disappointed in me because I feel like I am not trusting Him enough?  Who do you think is telling me this?  The devil, because God sez in Rom 8:1 

There is no condemnation for those in Christ.

Father I see that you are pleased, very pleased with our know how human we are, you made us. 

It is not that I am not trusting, but 'ole slewfoot' sez , "yes , but you aren't trusting enough."  he is trying to make us think God is disappointed, and  that we don’t do better....well we are improving and we are better, but not as good as we will be!!!

My Father loves me, you too Greg, and He is not at all disappointed in us...
He sees and knows our hearts....remember He was concerned for His Mother while He was on the cross?  He said to John, 'Behold your Mother, and to His Mother he said,'behold your son.'  Help us to keep this uppermost in our minds, and  stop worrying.....He loved us enough to die for us!

Well, again....hang in there, hang on  tight to His hand, and we'll see you here, there or in the air.
Cray, the key secret.  ;)

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