Saturday, April 12, 2014

16 Coincidence?

It is no coincidence that Cliff and I are reading 'Job' this a.m. in our quiet time.  It is also no coincidence that my private 'quiet time' had me in Romans Ch. 8.  There are no coincidences with God’s timing.  I just don't have a clue who I am, or where He is in this situation…(mainly your situation, Greg)...But of course I know who I am, I am God’s Chosen Treasure,  and so are you, and I know I am, like you, on this earthly walk, that won't last forever,  (tho' it seems like forever, now) but how we handle this, WILL last forever!!   God promises!

This day it is hard to write, because my emotions are sooooooooo high. But I have been searching the Scriptures, and I see all these Precious Promises, and I think, are they for us, Greg?  It must be My prayers that are hindering a break-through for you....How much more stress can your heart handle, as well as the rest of your body? You have been in the hospital 4 times in the last month, the last was your heart, they said "stress”, not a blockage.

Now your lease is up, and they have taken the stance, 'it's up, and we have chosen to not renew your lease.'  So be out by the end of the month????? Where are your Mercies, Lord, that are new every morning? 
The promise that,  

“I will contend with those who contend with you?”

I have never had depression, like I've seen with others, and what you have been through…(and I hope it is through!!!! smile )   I wake up with a song in my heart every morning, that is who I am, and will be....but there have been times that I have said to myself, 'I am ready to throw in the towel, and I was, except I didn't really know just what that meant...It didn't mean I was going to end it all....I just couldn't see how I could handle any more.   I see you at and beyond this point, and my heart breaks.

God IS in control, and He sees out into eternity, He also promised me that

“Greg is going to be all right.”  

I have to trust Him, who else could I go trust?  We just need HELP as we walk thru this valley...spiritually, financially, mentally...for
you especially, Greg.  Where are you, (meaning the rest of the Body of Christ?)  You know that if you break your little finger it upsets the whole body?...well your whole body is broken, where are you Church?
I am only just preaching to the choir, because the only ones reading my blog are near and dear friends and family.  But perchance God will lead someone to this blog that will be 

'that hand extended, reaching out to the oppressed, let me touch him, let me touch Jesus, so that others may know and be blessed.'  
Music is my heart, and that of course is a song.  smile    

Please pray for Greg, for a kidney, (which by the way has been put off for another 2 years, because of all the other problems in his body) healing for his eye, (been in the hospital 3 times in the last 60 days for surgery on his eye, 2 times for laser treatments to relieve pressure) heart, which he has had 3 stints, and 3 heart attacks, in the last few years.

God, we have a big problem here, and I know you are on the throne....Your promises are true,  

'you are God, you cannot lie' , 'you are the same yesterday, today and forever,' ' when you  cry unto me, I will answer.'   'You have a plan for Greg, plan to prosper etc...'  

Hide us behind the cross, calm our fears, Isaiah said,

'the work of righteousness is peace, the effect of righteousness confidence and assurance forever.’   

Well we know it is not our RIGHTEOUSNESS, but yours, that we can stand before the Father and claim these Precious Promises, that are your Word, O God, not ours, so we know they are true!!!

Forgive me for whining, Father, and give us MUCH GRACE, to serve you effectively.  The devil wants Greg to be incapacitated, but You  know what you have for Greg to do.....don't be discouraged, Greg, for my long goings on this a.m.; just be encouraged that He will supply!!

Boy am I hanging on, tight, this do the same!  
He's coming soon, and we will meet you here, there or in the air!!  
You too, Cray.

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