Pretty ominous title there....but
what is life?
You wake up when you are your life....then death go to sleep....and wake up REALLY
ALIVE!!!! Since our dear friend, Dawn, went to sleep yesterday, and woke
up in Heaven....that is pretty much what I am dwelling on today.
Every morning I wake up, (and that
is a blessing) sometimes Cliff comes down the hall, telling me (in a not so
quiet voice) that the coffee is ready. I try to have that first cup
with my most Precious Friend Jesus, and start my day. But mostly I am up,
feeling good, not too many aches and pains, and thankful that I can walk, talk
and move
opposed to Sug, who can still do
these things, but with a very limited ability.
This life thing is pretty
interesting....the other day I was reading about how God knew us BEFORE we were
in our mothers' womb.....which is pretty deep in itself, but He also
said, before you were in your mother’s womb, 'I carried you.'......well!!!
What is that all about? I don't have a clue!!!!
However, when He says He carries us between His shoulders, to me I get a
picture of Him carrying us like a child, in His arms, or literally 'on His
Is He trustworthy?
Absolutely!!! He is omniscient, omnipotent, sovereign, and very
much EVERYTHING else.....He can do all He says He will/can do.....
He has it all planned out, from the
very beginning, and He knows the end of the Story as well .
So what is birth, death and life?
When you think about it, we do not have any of the answers. But He
does, and He is so willing that we know as much as we can learn, HOWEVER, He is
past finding out, so stop trying, and start Trusting, stop running, and try
My heart is not heavy this a.m. even
tho' not much has changed about your condition, Greg. They put in a stint
in your eye to relieve the pressure and it has. At this time, they took the
option of removing your eye off the table.
That is a blessing. You have to move next weekend (and can't
lift anything for 30, could it be any more difficult?) so I guess
we just wait and see just where this move is going to be, and how it is going
to happen. Maybe He will send angels to help, that IS a possibility, you
know...but maybe He will send angels with 'skin' on to make this happen...Just
keep your eye (eyes if possible, smile) on Him, 'Who doeth all things
Dawn has her wedding garments on,
and is sitting at the feet of Jesus, this is what we are all waiting for eh?
Maybe she has seen Andy....think?
So hang in there, hang on, and look
up...for He is coming soon, and for you that don't know Jesus and the wonderful
Hope that we have about Heaven, what are you waiting for...Jesus is your ticket
out of here and into His presence...
See you here, there or in the
Crayola, thank God for the Hope we
have in Jesus!!!!!!!
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