"Good morning Father"
"Good morning, to you Precious
"It's a beautiful
"Yes it is, I made it just for
""Thank you Father,
your love for me is so obvious, I love you!"
"You are My Child, and I hold
you close to me, and I love that
you are trying to put me
first...every morning."(mostly)
"Oh God , my Father, my desire
is to 'let go----and 'let God’"
"Then what are these strings I
see in your hand?"
"These strings? Actually
they are things I gave to you yesterday,
and the day before, and well----really
the day before that too."
"I know Child, do you really
trust me?"
"Oh Father.....YES.....who else
can I trust...like Peter said, 'To whom could we go?'
Father God, my precious Savior.....Today, there are no
strings attached, yesterday I bundled up my problems,
I wrapped them, tied them in a
bundle, and I handed them to you.....Then I tripped over the strings I was
still clutching.
Today, as you can see, there are no
strings attached!!!
As I wrote in the beginning of the
journal I am now in,
"For the first time
in...ever....I feel the release of what is
coming tomorrow, next week, next
month. What a marvelous feeling."
Live today....walk humbly
today....meet each moment head on....deal with it today....NOW!
Even with the daily set-backs
that are happening to you each day, Greg....my heart is very heavy, but when I
lie down to sleep, I really do give you to the Lord, what can I do from
so far away? God has to fix it, I cannot!!
You, My Precious Father, have
everything under control.....yesterday, today and tomorrow....Why should I try
and carry tomorrows burdens, today? Todays burdens, if I give them to
you, are enough.... you said, 'My yoke is easy and my burden is light'----Why?
Because you are carrying me....What is so heavy about that? SMILE!!
But the best part is....you aren't
un-happy when we don't.
You just keep on being the same
Loving encouraging, forgiving Heavenly Father.
Like you said, 'If we know how to
give good gifts to our children,
don't you think I will do that and
more, for My children, YOU?'
(just a little bit of paraphrasing
here) Big Smile!!
So Mr. McGreggor, hang in,
hang on, and just KNOW many
prayers and (not just a
little) fasting, is going on for you.!!!!
(actually I think I would like
to make a little challenge to our churches
of today.....Why aren't the sick,
being visited, the hungry fed, those
is prison ministered to.....those
needing clothes being clothed?
I think we are too busy doing
churchy things, and we do not SEE
those who are hurting, hungry, cold.
AND you know what? He is
talking to the everyday Christians,
this is not just the Pastor's
responsibility, He sez when
you do it unto the least of these,
you do it unto Me.!!)
Hang on there, hang on tight to His
see you here, there or in the air!
(in the morning, Cray!)
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