Saturday, February 22, 2014

10 This is THE day...

I am reminded this a.m. of a quote from Ben Kinchlow, while he was with the 700 Club.
He wrote a book called,"God said it, I believe it, That settles it."
God  reminded him, that this was incorrect......Ben asked, 'what part?'
God said, 
"I said it.....(doesn't matter if you believe it or not.).....that settles it."
God is pretty funny at times, huh?  He made us , didn't He?   smile*X( angry

Well that pretty much puts us in our  I think this probably hits some of us right between the eyes.
We know it, we've read it, we say we understand...but do we?   When He said, 'this is the day the Lord hath made,'
Do we look out and say, ugh more snow, is this really God's handiwork, for us?

Isa 32:17 sez: "The work of righteousness will be peace....the effect will be calmness and assurance, forever."
His work, brings the peace is ours, if we give our frustrations, hurts, Him.
Why?  Because HE SAID SO!!  It is His gift to us, reach out and take the calmness and assurance, but we have an action word here...take it.

Guess what?  I am really trying to do this!!!!!  I can't do it!!!  Remember the song, 'it isn't in trying, but in trusting?'
I am glad God can see past, my unfaithfulness, unjustness, unworthiness....and sees my hearts cry, 

The only light at the end of the tunnel, is....The Light, who is Christ Jesus, paid for my unfaithfulness, unjustness, unworthiness....AND HE MADE ME I can stand before the Almighty God, and He doesn't see all these things, He sees Jesus all wrapped around me, in me, over me...can you imagine that, how I look to God The Father?
He sees me sinless without fault, because I belong to Jesus and He belongs to me!!

Can I believe Him? Absolutely....even when I can't understand? Absolutely!!!  I love it that Apostle Paul said:  'What I want to do, I don't do.......'  This gives me great comfort, because we all have our challenges, and moments, BUT God sees us in all our humanness, and thank God He knows us, He made us!!

Hang on tight..He is I'll see you here, there or in the air.
(Yeah Cray, you got  it...see you in the morning.)

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