Tuesday, February 25, 2014

12 Practicing His Presence

This morning I got up with every intention of putting my special time with the Father first.

Ya got it, that didn't happen....in fact when I was ready to read with Cliff in our special time in The Word... he left the room, I read....he took a shower......I read.......When he was getting dressed....I read.....I walked in and said, "I thought we were going to read.....he said, 'well you looked busy', and I said...he said...I said...he said...

I figured out right away....(well, not RIGHT away, smile ) but sometime in there, that the enemy of our soul comes to 'steal, kill, and destroy.' He was trying to steal our time, together, and he was laughing, with glee....he almost did it. Clever, he is!! But my favorite thing to say to him is,

'you snake in the grass, I heard the rattle of your tail, and I know you were DESTROYED at the Cross!!!!!!!'

However the point I am trying to make is, The Father wants time with us....always.....but it is no big deal if we do it in the morning, or the afternoon, or whenever....just do it!

Actually if you are even vaguely aware of Him, it becomes easier and easier to Practice His Presence.

I know for sure, that as you become more aware of Him, you act differently, think differently....maybe even walk a little different. Why do you think that is? I think that as we spend time in the throne room, we begin to think like who we are.....A CHILD OF THE KING!!!!

Just simply....I read in Micah 6 this a.m. where it (the Word) tells us:

'to act justly and to love mercy and to walk humbly.'

If we never look any farther, these three things will lead us onward...and upward.

We'll see you here, there, or in the air....HANG ON!!

Nanny..........(Cray? in the Morning!! Won't that be a delight? Seeing Jesus, face to face....let alone Andy, and all the rest?)

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