Tuesday, February 18, 2014

8 Mercy Ship of Grace

Everyone wants to go to Hawaii....so he (with a little  "h")
 challenges us to swim.  (Whenever I speak of the devil, I
never give his name a capital 'd', he isn't worth it.)
So we work and we train....and we all jump in, and we swim like mad....
Some get farther than others.....
We look back and say, "I'm doing better than they are....
Look how close to the shore they are!!!'
We don't realize that the enemy doesn't want us to get there,
he wants us to drown...he came to 'kill, steal, and destroy'
that is his main mission in life...to keep us from the Father.

What we do not realize is:
No one is going to make it!  We are ALL going down, sooner or later.
Do we need more strength training?  More swimming lessons?
Get more sleep, eat better?
NO.....What we need is a boat.
No one comes to the Father....Except through Jesus and Jesus alone.
He is the boat.....
Nothing we do gives us the edge.....
We are all going down.....Unless we get in the boat....
That in a nut-shell is GRACE.

We all need Great Grace as the Bible mentions.....and then?
Yep, we need to give Great Grace, to the others, whether it is
family, friends, neighbors, homeless....people we know or not!
Whomever God puts in our paths......we cannot pull our skirts around us
And pick and choose.............everyone needs Grace....who better knows this than me?
What if we had to be so good, so thin, so tall, so lovely?????  Dear gussie,
 I'd never make it!  But we don't...He takes us just as we are, and where we are, how cool is that?

Don't TRY to be like Jesus.......that'll never work.....Just invite Him in, and as He dwells within our hearts, He will do the changing....that is, if we let Him.

Hang in there...hang on tight to His Hand...and...
we'll see you here, there, or in the air.
(Cray...in the  morning!)

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