Tuesday, February 4, 2014


This is all so new to me, but I want to get/keep going.
The Lord worked with me BIG time last year, about TRUST.
Also included were some very hard lessons about  living today,
and let tomorrow take care of it's self.   He has been working on
me for years, on this very thing, but I seem a little hardheaded.*:(( crying

I finally got it, I really did, but now I have to practice it.  Now if I can
just  live it....that would be cool.

Today as I was contemplating my blog, I was trying to get a picture
of today--not tomorrow, but today--and I was thinking about a very 
powerful thing a very special man, (choir director, and Friend) said as
he was teaching one Sunday morning: " I wake up in the morning
and realize Jesus didn't come, so I say, well you didn't come last night,
maybe you  will come today. Then at  night when I go to bed I say, well 
you did not come today, maybe you will come tonight." 

This was so powerful, because I realized there were days when I did
not even think about His coming...so I try to live each day, and do the
same thing Forrest did...Look for His coming every day. Isn't that what
He told us to do? Look up, for your redemption draweth nigh!

 Have a good day, and I'll see you soon, here...there...or in the air!

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