Friday, February 7, 2014

5 Garden Project (Eve's Choice)

My quiet time, plus our Wed eve. study of 'Spirit Controlled Temperaments,' gave me a lot to think about.
I have done the study but have never gone far enough to see where it really went.
We talked about how we are wired, formed in our Mother's womb, temperaments and all, and we go through our lives saying things like: 
I was born that way...
that's just who I am....
I can't help it,  it is just my nature.....
my Dad was an alcoholic...
I am a product of my environment... 

You know what?  That is not just an excuse....It is the truth....Why?  Because of Eve's choice in the beginning, in the Garden...The Bible sez we are born with a sinful nature, and we are in this mess because of  choices of other people.
Well that does not seem fair, and it isn't,...... BUT GOD.....had a plan from the beginning!  We know what that plan was--that His only Son, would come to earth, live, die, and be raised from the dead, a sinless One, who became sin for us, and He paid the awful price, so we do not have to.  
The song, 'He paid a debt He did not owe, I owed a debt  I could not pay...'
says it all.

Now as we grow into maturity, raised by Parents with good values (or not), and then we are given a free choice as to how we live and what we do, now we see  our responsibility for our own eternal destiny.   
Sure, my Dad was an alcoholic, but must I choose to be one?...   
Yes, my Mother was an angry person, and the propensity is there for me to live an angry life, but must I choose to be angry?  

It's not our fault?  But Christ died for us, and He is our example,   He is the  'Fruit of the Spirit', so He can change our lives, our choices so that we can be Holy like the Father is Holy.  He builds on our strengths and deminishes our weaknesses.  So we are without excuse...the  Truth (Jesus) will not only set us free, but will make the corrections in our lives if we let Him.  From then on we are a work in progress.

So as I have heard: 
Give me a break, God is not finished with me yet.
 That lets us off the hook, so to speak, but it puts us on the chopping block, with the Great Gardener with the pruning shears.

We'll see  you here, there or in the air...hang on!!

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