Saturday, February 22, 2014


Father, I am just sitting here at your feet, trying not to think about me, mine, ours...
*#:-S whew!
Just soaking in Your peace, comfort, strength, joy....Straight from the Father to me.
I must say it is a lot easier to try and see God's perspective...on...everything...from ' Up Here.'

I may start to speak...He sez, 'Just a minute My Child',  and He looks around and sees the universe...galaxies...stars...
sun...moon...all right on schedule, just as He planned, then He turns to me and asks, 'What is it My Child?'
(He being awesome, large, complicated)  Me?  'I've got a bad thing going on  in my neck.'  (me being small, simple, pitiful)

Does He care for such a small thing?  (to me it is not such a small thing, it hurts  like the dickens....I may not get to go to California next week for my Sister's birthday party.)  Seriously!!! ???  (to Him, He created me...with His breath...He spoke and it happened!!) Does it matter to Him?

I'd say a definite yes!!  However am I sitting here soaking Him in, so I can introduce my neighbors, friends, family, to Jesus, if they do not already know Him? (even with a very sore neck?)
Not so much, my neck hurts and it is very cold outside.  smile

"What on earth am I doing for Heaven's sake?"
If I saw you walking headlong over a cliff---would I run to save you?  (even with a sore neck...)  YES!

Father, today help me to put all things in the right place,  do all things with the right attitude...
May all who come behind me, find me faithful.   Even more importantly...I long for your words,"Well done, my good and faithful servant."

We are  pilgrims and strangers here, walking thru this short life, (with hurting necks, hearts, bodies) with our eyes looking straight our  'own homeland...heaven...Home'.
"Thru it all, thru it all, I've learned to trust in Jesus I've learned to trust in God.
Thru it all, thru it all, I've learned to depend upon His Word."

P.S. Lord, I think I am beginning to get this, neck aches and's not about me (pitiful)
But about You! (perfect)  Help me , today to use your strength etc... wisely.   Listen up , Margaret!!

Keep hanging on, tightly, and we will see you, here, there, or in the air!
Cray...You know, the "key word is secret."....In the Morning, see ya!

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