Saturday, February 8, 2014

6 No Sunday Blog

Just thinking this a.m. about not blogging on  
Some years ago I decided I would pay attention (and the Lord was pleased that I was finally trying to pay attention) and really relax on Sunday, and do no housework, no mail, no laundry....those were all easy!  But we have always fixed a big dinner for no more of that, we chose to go out to lunch.  That was easy too.   However, what about those you are making work by fixing ...your lunch etc....well now that is another again!

Now I am doing a blog today, and my Producer, has a different take on what is the who am I hurting or helping here?   We are not going to get into a big theological question here, because I am not good at that....but I do think our Heavenly Father has a plan and lots of logic for everything He does, and askes us to do.  But we aren't going there either...........By the way, my Producer is my Precious Niece.   Allison is my producer, mentor helper, advisor, and a host of other things....(now I have many Precious Nieces, Kids, Grand Kids, Great Grands......and they KNOW I DO need their help big time.)

God has a good sense of humor...ever notice?   He made us didn't He?.......So it is o.k. to have fun and enjoy the life He has given you.  No one has more fun than I do.   Well maybe, but I love living and life itself .   
Smile and the world smiles with you...cry...and you get a red nose!  (in case you wondered...that isn't a scripture)   *;) winking  The joy of the Lord is my strength!   He said He would give us joy unspeakable and full of glory.   Now I know that  joy and humor are two different things, but they both come form God.

Thinking about God and what He has given us, I am reminded just about every time I read the Scriptures, it mentions His breath.   

He breathed out when He SPOKE the world into existence....that is totally amazing.  
He speaks to our hearts with a still small voice.............
then I read where  His voice roared............and I definitely do NOT want  be on the receiving end of His roar!  
He is gentle, He is awesome, He is THE GREAT I AM!!  Why don't we trust Him with our very lives? (We know soooooooooooo much and think we can do it all better???)

Greg, do you know how much fun I am having??  If it wasn't for God, we would not have made it thru this past year!
I am trusting His still  small voice (which is past finding out) that Mr. McGreggor  'will make it!'   God whispered that to me one of my very low days last year ..............and I am believing it!  (well, He didn't call you Mr. Mcgreggor, but He knows your name!)   
Isa. 43 sez, I have redeemed you, I have called you by YOUR name, Greg Toft, and when you pass thru the waters they shall not overflow you, and when you walk thru the fire, you will not be burned.   
Those are His words, they are His breath flowing out to you.............and  everyone!!!  What an amazing God we serve.   So get back to your office and  show the world what God has placed in your heart.............the dreams He wired you create  something that will turn heads and hearts toward Jesus.

See you here, there, or in the air.  Hang on!   
(For Cray-- "See you in the morning!")
Nanny here.....


Steve said...

Hi Aunt Swede! I love your blog! :)

Unknown said...

Aunt Swede!!! These are have a avid follower in me